During the winter months the days are shorter, the temperatures drop, and life can slow down a bit. Take this time to get some of your home improvement projects done. Winter is an excellent time to do a range of home repairs often neglected during the summer. Check out the home improvement tasks below that are perfect for winter, and if you need help, be sure to contact Enrich Construction for all your home contracting needs.

Top Improvement Projects for the Winter

Get a Head Start on Your Curb Appeal

Fertilizing your house’s landscape is one of the first home improvement jobs to tackle before winter. With autumn in the rearview mirror, this low-cost winter activity comprises fertilizing trees, shrubs, and grass in preparation for the winter months. Fertilizing your yard in the fall as a homeowner will not only keep it fed over the winter but will also provide excellent care until it’s time to shine in the spring. 

Additionally, clean your equipment well and empty the fuel from their tanks before storing your mower, weed eater, and other gasoline-powered lawn equipment for the winter.

Home Improvement Projects Fertilizing Yard

Check for Foundation and Masonry Issues

Cold, dry air will naturally make its way through any cracks in your home, making them more visible. Take this time to have a foundation and masonry inspection and schedule a professional to make necessary repairs. 

Replacement of Windows and Doors

Window and door replacement is a home improvement job that may help increase your property’s efficiency, curb appeal, and overall value. However, replacing windows and doors is a big project that may quickly become complicated. Always deal with an experienced professional window and door replacement firm.

If you are worried about replacing windows during the winter due to cold air coming into your home, it is essential to note that most contractors will replace one window or door at a time, especially during colder months. So, no need to worry about a significant increase in your energy bills.

Improving Your Home By Replacing Windows

Stop drafts and unwanted visitors from critters

Find and seal any gaps in your home that might allow hot air to escape, which in turn allows cold air to come in. Additionally, insects and nuisance critters frequently seek refuge from the cold, and any accessible location in your home might serve as a welcoming invitation. Experts in pest management can assist you in eliminating any pest issue and ensure rodents and bugs do not return.

Home Improvement Projects – Insulate Your Attic

Insulating your attic is a cost-effective winter home improvement job. This project will yield the highest return on investment for homeowners. In addition, it will not only assist in cutting your energy cost, but it may also be eligible for tax credits. 

Be sure to contact a professional to have an energy assessment performed. The assessment will identify how much energy your house consumes and areas of concern that need resolution.

Attic Insulation Home Improvement

Set up a Programmable Thermostat

Technology has had a significant impact on household appliances in recent years, particularly programmable thermostats. Installing a programmable thermostat allows homeowners to tailor their house’s heating and cooling to meet their specific needs. With several programming choices available, including the ability to manage individual thermostats remotely, this home improvement project will not only improve your quality of life but will also save you money.

Update Plumbing Fixtures

Replacing plumbing fixtures gives your home an instant visual update while also providing functional benefits. Winter is the perfect time as long as temps haven’t dropped below the freezing point.

New fixtures will use less water than your old fixtures, so in addition to improving the aesthetics, it will also cut down on water bills and reduce your environmental impact. Another advantage is that winter is often the slow season for home contracting providers, so you may have more options for service dates.

Winter Home Improvement – Replace the Flooring

If expert cleaning does not help revive your carpet, it’s time to consider a replacement.  Winter is an excellent time to replace carpet because the work is indoors. Your contractor will take measurements and provide recommendations on carpet padding, as well as other types of flooring.  

Prepare to move your furniture to another area of your home away from the installation. Additionally, you may want to spend your day away from the house while installation is taking place because of noise and unpleasant smells from adhesives. 

Replacing Flooring Winter Home Improvement

Update Interior Lighting

Winter is also a great time to evaluate your interior lighting. Consider replacing bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs, and consider hiring a professional electrician to replace old or inefficient light fixtures with energy-efficient versions. These updates will also help you save money on electricity bills and increase your home value.

Organize Your Home

Winter is the perfect time to organize your home.  Use the time to clear away clutter and organize. Get rid of any items you do not use or need, and create a strategy to maintain what you have. A professional organizer can assist you in creating the organizational system of your dreams, while a junk hauler will help get rid of stuff you don’t want.

Paint the Interior of Your Home

Fresh interior paint can invigorate your home, and winter is the perfect season for this sort of work. Winter is often considered an off-season for professional painting companies, which means you are less likely to have delays in getting the job done. 

If you’re unsure about the colors to choose, ask your painter if they provide color consultations. Choosing the appropriate paint color and finish for a specific space is an art, and the assistance of a professional may offer you guidance and confidence as you pick.

Interior Painting to Improve Home

The Bottom Line on Winter Home Improvement Projects

Winter is an excellent time to be creative and start your home improvement projects. The above projects add appeal and efficiency to your home, as well as a more pleasant location to seek shelter from the weather. This winter, don’t spend your time hibernating and waiting for warmer weather! Instead, tackle winter home improvement projects with the help of EnRich Construction. 

EnRich Construction is the team of Missouri contractors you’ve been looking for. We are the experts in home remodels, renovations, home improvement projects, exterior home repairs, and so much more! Learn all about what we can do for you here.